Monday, December 28, 2009

Faggot Hal says,,, FBI snitch Alex Linder is a dumb fuck

While your hero, Faggot Hal, was getting $100,000 a year from the FBI, Alex Linder is only getting his website paid for plus a disability check each month. Hardy har, har har.

With love,
Faggot Hal

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Faggot Hal says,,, I'm the one who turned in Artie Wheeler

Him and his wife are such dumb fucks.

With Love,
Faggot Hal

Faggot Hal Turner remembers this quote about Vonbluvens

"Mike: Bernie doesn't even allow you to travel to Chicago for the weekend; she's not going to let you start running around in the woods with assault rifles, either". ~ Bill White

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Alex Linder, GOTCHA!!!

Faggot Hal says,,,,, Alex Linder appears to like faggots and dykes also

Giles read his e-mail exchange with Greg on his show this morning, and noted a very interesting irony: While Greg is not a homosexual, Regina Belser, the cofounder of VNN, is an open lesbian. Alex worked with her for several years and apparently had no issue with that aspect of her character. Here is some fairly recent audio of Regina on Von Brunn:

Linder claims that he's known Greg Johnson to be a homosexual for years (a total fabrication), yet he had no issue with this purported foible when Greg was writing what Alex has dubbed "the best material VNN produced." Alex only cares about this issue when he thinks he can use it as a tool in a personal vendetta.

Anyone thinking of working with AL should take note of this incident. If you come here and volunteer your efforts, penning VNN's most brilliant material, then maybe you too can have Alex drag your name through the mud, casting baseless and vile aspersions on your character.

Regina Belser on James von Brunn 01
Regina Belser, a former Webmaster for James W. von Brunn, talks about what she knows of his life in an interview with Dan Mitchinson Wednesday, June 10, 2009.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Faggot Hal says,,,, listen to THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE AT 9PM CST

with love,
Faggot Hal

Faggot Hal tells you what he got for Christmas

My 250 pound elderly wife got me a 1 year subscription to

With love,
Faggot Hal

Faggot Hal Turner says Merry Christmas

Faggot Hal says:

Merry Christmas. I hope you are poking holes into hispanic men as I love to do. A special kiss to the man who worships me, Steve Holsten.

With Love,
Faggot Hal